Home to one of the largest in-stock selections of tube mills and tube & pipe machinery in the world.


Start-up & commissioning, operator training, technical support, in-stock common replacement parts and more.


Reliable, economical and fully supported by our team out of Northwest Ohio.


Powering industrial machinery through expert design, precision manufacturing and seamless Implementation.


Large inventory of rollformers, new controls, drive systems, electrical start-up and more.


We can reconfigure, repower and upgrade machinery as your production needs change.


One machine or an entire plant. We offer immediate cash sale, trade-in, consignment and auction services.

Tube Mill and Rollformer Machine Inventory

Machine Inventory

Home to one of the largest selections of used tube mills in the world. Utilizing over 125,000 square feet of warehouse space, we also stock rollformers, coil handling machinery, tube re-cut systems, slitting lines, common replacement parts and more.

Machine Reconditioning

We offer machine reconditioning for your machinery. If your production needs change, we can adjust your equipment to fit your requirements. Reconditioning offers more accurate and reliable productions, enhanced safety, ease of operation, and extended machine life.

Tube Mill and Rollformer Reconditioning
Machine Automation and Service

Machine Automation

UCG manufactures controls, drive systems, length control systems and more. Our in-house engineering team can provide start-up & commissioning, training for your staff, and more to get your machinery up and running quickly and help maintain efficiency over time.

Sell Your Surplus

Universal offers various options for selling your surplus machinery, including cash sale, trade-in, consignment and auction. Our mailing list is updated daily maintaining thousands of tube & pipe producers, rollforming manufacturers, and steel processors world-wide.

Surplus Machinery Buyers
“Universal’s team came through for us at LP Tube. From their engineering team, in-stock replacement parts, to around the clock technical support, Universal is a company we can depend on.”

Scot Edwards, LP Tube Industries

“Thank you for your support through the line build and installation. Your team is great to work with and very knowledgeable which made our job easy from a management standpoint. “

– Steve Saghy, Dura Automotive Systems Inc. LLC

“I want to say Thank You to the team for all their hard work and dedication to make this a success!! Great Job and Thanks!!!”

– Michele Pilibosian, Trim Structures Division