
Meet us at Tube Dusseldorf, Hall 6, Booth E06

Meet with Ken Metzger of UCG and Basel Akel of ERWTech to learn about reliable, economical and fully supported new and used tube mill lines. Universal is the exclusive source in North and South America for new tube mill lines and tube & pipe machinery manufactured...

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Meet our New Salespeople

We are pleased to announce that our long-time shop manager, Marty Haas, has been added to our sales team. With over thirty years of experience working with tube mills and rollforming machinery, his expert knowledge will help our customers choose the best machine...

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Universal in the News

We are pleased to share links to recent publications featuring new tube mills manufactured by UCG and ERWTech. A new 89 mm high-frequency tube mill line was recently featured on the cover of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine. The line included all-new entry...

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Sell Your Surplus Machinery

If you're considering selling your machinery, ensuring you get the most value out of the transaction is important. Here are some recommendations to help you navigate the process effectively: Knowing When to Sell Metalworking machinery often transitions from active...

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